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Call for partnership by Hong Kong College of Technology for local delivery of UK programmes, plus student exchange

Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) is one of 19 degree awarding higher education institutions in the territory. HKCT has three campuses, one of which was opened in 2010 and another newly opened this year. HKCT is an existing provider of UK TNE programmes, including partnerships with University of Central Lancashire, Leeds Beckett University and Nottingham Trent University.

HKCT delivers programmes in a wide range of subject areas, including degree programmes in Business Administration, Management Event Management, Information Technology, Tourism, Design.

HKCT hopes to extend partnership with UK institutions to other areas, especially those involving professional titles and recognition, e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, Dietician and Nutritionist, Early Childhood Education and Psychology. Such partnership is essentially delivery of UK programmes at HKCT under a franchise or other modes agreed by both parties.

In the interest of providing an international experience to students who do not have the means to study an entire programme abroad, HKCT is interested in entering agreements for student exchange. While HKCT is able to host UK students, one-way agreements may also be possible.

Action Required

Institutions who may be interested in partnering with HKCT can contact Steve Corry, Regional Business Development Manager in the first instance, at steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk, ideally by 23 September 2015 . Please provide details of strengths in the relevant subject areas and existing TNE arrangements in other markets, plus any other relevant information that may assist HKCT with decision making.