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Call for paper and join the FSTE-HKCAAVQ Conference 2016 on “Enhancing Student Learning Experience”


Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE) and the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) jointly organise a conference “Enhancing Student Learning Experience” on Thursday, 17 November 2016 in PolyU Hung Hom Bay Campus. They have invited Professor Amy Tsui (Chair Professor of Education and former Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President in Teaching and Learning, The University of Hong Kong) and Professor Beverley Oliver (Vice-Chancellor, Deakin University) to be the keynote speakers.

The conference provides an opportunity for all stakeholders in the sector to report the latest research, explore ideas, views and experience, and share your professional experience with others.

Call for papers

Apart from the plenary session, the organiser is now inviting abstracts / papers to be presented at the Conference.
Submissions are invited on topics relating to the conference theme – Enhancing Student Learning Experience in (but not confined to) the following areas: 

  • Promoting teaching excellence
  • Technology-enabled and online education
  • Learning experience for students from diverse backgrounds
  • Design of physical learning spaces
  • Internationalization
  • Student whole person development
  • Assessing student learning experience
  • Others


  • All accepted papers will be expected to be presented by the author in person at the Conference.
  • All accepted abstracts and full papers will be published in the online Conference Proceedings.
  • Have the opportunity to build the brand if your paper is selected, which may support with future student recruitment
  • Better understanding on the latest research on educational needs of the society.



The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), formerly the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA), was established in 1990 as an independent statutory body to provide authoritative advice on academic standards of degree programmes in higher education institutions in Hong Kong.  In 2007, the Council was reconstituted under the HKCAAVQ Ordinance (Chapter 1150).  The HKCAAVQ took on responsibility for the vocational sector and statutory roles as the Accreditation Authority and Qualifications Register Authority under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework under the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance (Chapter 592).
The HKCAAVQ provides quality assurance and assessment services to education and training institutions, course providers and the general public. In addition to its statutory roles, the HKCAAVQ also provides advisory and consultancy services in education qualifications and standards to government bureaux and other organisations in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region.

About FSTE

Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE), formerly known as “The Federation for Continuing Education in Tertiary Institutions” (FCE), was established in 1994 as a coalition amongst the extension arms of publicly-funded tertiary education institutions and major non-profit-making institutions engaged in continuing education in Hong Kong, to advance the professional quality and standards of such education.  Over the years, the membership extended to include the majority of non-profit-making self-funded tertiary education institutions with fully accredited programmes at the post-secondary level, with a sizeable student body and a sound track record.

On a self-financing basis, FSTE members offer programmes at degree and sub-degree levels, in full-time and part-time modes, covering academic and professional/vocational streams, lifelong learning, and transnational education (also known as “non-local education”). In total, FSTE members cater for a full-time student load of around 60,000 in 2014. FSTE members also provide a great majority of Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursable courses in Hong Kong.


Action Required

For updated information and details on paper submission, please visit www.fste.edu.hk/conference2016. UK institutions who are interested in this opportunity should contact Steven Corry, Regional Business Development Manager at steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk by 14 June 2016, 12 noon GMT.