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Call for nominations: share your student outcomes at the GREAT Creator: Study UK Showcase 2017

The British Council is delighted to invite UK institutions to nominate their top students and graduates to participate in the GREAT Creator: Study UK Showcase 2017 from 19 to 22 October 2017 in Shanghai, China. This showcase will feature as part of the Best of British exhibition, a major event celebrating British lifestyle, innovation and excellence, which is expected to attract 25,000 visitors and substantial media interest. This is a great opportunity for UK institutions to raise the profile of their educational offering, research activity, and student outcomes among a large Chinese audience.

Event Introduction

The GREAT Creator: Study UK Showcase 2017 will be an exciting, informative and interactive event featuring a wide range of exhibits provided by UK alumni and academics. Exhibits will focus on the categories of STEM, art and design, and literature and history, and will showcase the work of current students, graduates, and UK higher education institutions. In addition, the showcase will provide participating UK institutions with a platform to engage directly with prospective students and build links with local education providers, agents, and potential industry partners.

This year, the showcase is part of the UK Government’s Spirit of Youth Campaign 2017, a China-wide campaign that aims to inspire the next generation of leaders in China and the UK and to promote deeper collaboration and exchange. Furthermore, the showcase will be part of the Best of British exhibition, which will be joined by the British Council, the British Consulate-General, the Department for International Trade, and Visit Britain. The event will feature more than 150 leading UK retail and consumer brands, and attract VIPs from home and abroad, including senior government representatives.

Showcase Categories

  • STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
  • Art & Design (including fashion, illustration, jewellery design, film, and visual arts)
  • Literature & History

Benefits for UK Institutions

  • Direct involvement in one of the largest British themed events of the year in Shanghai, which is expected to attract at least 25,000 visitors throughout the four-day exhibition.
  • Visitors will mostly be high-value Chinese individuals who are interested in understanding UK culture, education, lifestyle, fashion, and technology – a priority group for UK higher education institutions in China.
  • Extensive exposure to local and national media in China, with exhibits and participating institutions featured in promotional activity, including on a range of social media platforms.
  • Opportunity to raise their profile among a large audience of young people and their families.
  • Opportunity to raise awareness of their educational offering at a key stage in the decision-making process for study abroad.
  • Platform to showcase their institutional achievements and student outcomes.

Event Details


  • Day 1 (19 October 2017) – launch reception for key stakeholders with exclusive media session
  • Days 2-4 (20-22 October 2017) – exhibition open to the general public


Shanghai Exhibition Centre – a major landmark in central Shanghai


Action Required

How to participate?

UK higher education institutions are invited to nominate their top students and graduates in subject areas relating to the exhibit categories to showcase their creative projects, designs and entrepreneurial ideas. UK higher education institutions are also invited to showcase their institutional achievements.

There are no specific criteria for how exhibits should be presented. Exhibits will be selected based on their visual impact, degree of innovation, and potential for visitor interaction and learning. The British Council reserves the right to reject exhibits if they are deemed to be unsuitable.

What is the cost?

UK institutions will be provided with an exhibition space free of charge. This is subject to availability, so please apply early.

Please note, participating institutions will need to cover transportation and insurance costs for their selected exhibits.

How to apply?

Please complete the attached application form and submit it to zhiyuan.xie@britishcouncil.org.cn by 21 August.

Further Information

The GREAT Creator: Study UK Showcase 2017 follows the success of the GREAT Creator: UK Graduate Show 2015, a major event organised by the British Council in Beijing in October 2015 to showcase the UK’s creative leadership. The three-day event attracted nearly 50,000 visitors and more than 700,000 online visitors, and generated more than 300 media reports with a circulation of more than 10 million. 

See here for a news clip from CCTV (please watch from 50:23 onwards), and here for a video summary of the event produced by the British Council (please wait for the 30 second advertisement to finish), which gives an indication of what to expect during the 2017 Study UK: Discover You Festival – UK Education Showcase.

Participant form.docx327.91 KB