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Call for interest for UK institutions to submit feature articles to promote UK education

We are now inviting UK institutions to submit feature articles and promotional content (photos, videos, student case studies) to promote UK education. The materials received will be used as a ‘databank’ of content, which will be featured in Hong Kong and other markets as appropriate. Two of the major outlets will be the Education UK e-newsletter and the British Council Facebook page.

The Education UK e-newsletter in Hong Kong, for example, is sent to over 20,000 students and parents each month, featuring specific topics and practical tips relevant to prospective students. Please refer to the latest e-newsletter here.

Suggested list of topics:

  1. Articulation between Hong Kong and UK qualification
  2. Ranking tables - how should I read them? (university/schools)
  3. Tips on… (institutions to suggest)
  4. IELTS requirements for entering UK universities - what do I need to know?
  5. How to apply to top UK universities?
  6. Tips on applying to medical schools in the UK?
  7. UK schools - what do parents need to know about guardianship?
  8. UK schools - what do parents need to know about pastoral care?
  9. Private college providers - who are they?
  10. International foundation and diploma programmes explained
  11. Submit generic photos, videos, student stories on study in the UK

Each article (topics 1-10 and student stories) should include a title of no more than 80 characters, an introduction with no more than 580 characters, and content with no more than 600 words, with at least two photos (at least 300 x 200 px) with source and caption.

Action Required

Please complete and return the Call for Interest form to Cissy Lo, Education Marketing Manager, British Council Hong Kong at cissy.lo@britishcouncil.org.hk, on or before 8 April 2016 (Friday). We will write to you if you or your institution is selected to submit an article and/or materials and we will work with you on the submission details.

Please contact Cissy Lo, Education Marketing Manager, British Council Hong Kong at cissy.lo@britishcouncil.org.hk if you have any questions.