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Call for interest: schoolteachers training development opportunity in Taiwan

Taipei Zhongzheng Senior High School (TZSHS) is looking for a UK partner to help them in the following areas:

  • Development of a training programme leading to international education qualifications for teachers and education administrators
  • Establishment of a joint teacher training team jointly to train teachers from TZSHS partner schools (local primary and junior high schools), so their teachers will be able to help students to progress to TZSHS’s international curriculums after graduation.

TZSHS ambition is in line with Taiwan Ministry of Education's recent publication White Paper on International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools 2.0.


The selected UK university will be responsible for:  

  • establishing a certification framework leading to international education qualifications for schoolteachers and administrators
  • developing English learning activities for young learners in conjunction with Taiwan’s National curriculum and Bilingual curriculum  
  • setting up a local capacity-building committee for TZSHS’s international education plan
  • enhancing students’ English proficiency and readiness for bridging to overseas education

TZSHS will be responsible for:

  • recruiting local teachers for professional development training
  • benchmarking against local (UK) English standard for TZSHS affiliate schools from primary to secondary education level
  • supporting the partner university to network with over 120 prospective students under TZSHS’s overseas pathway programmes

Benefits for the UK partner
This is an opportunity for the selected UK partner to establish a long-term partnership with TZSHS, the first public school in Taipei to operate a UK IFY programme in 2018. Currently, partner high schools with TZSHS include Taipei Municipal Yucheng Senior High School, Nangang Senior High School, Wan Fang Municipal High School, Cheng Gong Boys’ High School and Jing Mei Girls’ High School. They have also formed an association named Taipei School Alliance and are ready to welcome up to 120 new NCUK IFY students this September. 

With potential for expansion into other fields, such as research/project development with Taiwan’s education authority, it is also a good opportunity for the UK partner to raise their institutions’ profiles and brand awareness in Taiwan, which may benefit student recruitment and business development.

ReferenceNCUK to deliver foundation year with Taipei secondary schools, The British Council, 13 March 2019

Action Required

Institutions who are interested in this opportunity please contact Diane Hsu at diane.hsu@britishcouncil.org.tw to find out more.