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Call for interest: Partnership in delivery of programmes in theatre industry

British Council Philippines is looking for UK institutions who are interested to deliver their programmes in the Philippines through its local partner the Philippine Educational Theatre Association (PETA).

In May 2013, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art delivered a one-week musical theatre course to 23 participants at PETA premises.  The success of this initiative prompted the British Council and PETA to pursue more locally delivered UK programmes in the coming year.

The delivery involved participants paying for the course and receiving a certificate thereafter.

Project title
Road to the Global Stage: A Continuing Education for Theater Practitioners and Educators

Why Educate practitioners with the British Council

Embracing and living with the arts may come as human nature, an inborn talent for some. But for many theater schools such as the Philippine Educational Theater Education (PETA), training and development are still vital for aspiring talents, just like any profession. We want artists to improve their skills to become more bankable and increase opportunities that will make them more productive and influential in their chosen field. Allowing artists to acquire fresh skills and develop innate talents and expertise supports their development to make them competitive in the local scene and in the global stage, both in artistic development and artistic education.

Thus, PETA came up with a project called, “Road to the Global Stage: A Continuing Education for Theater Practitioners and Educators,” to serve aspiring artists, professional artists, and educators. To accomplish the goal of equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and expertise necessary in the increasingly globalising theater world.

This partnership with the British Council aims to accomplish their purpose in three ways: artistic development, drama in education, and arts management.

Artistic development

PETA believes in the improvement of the human being through holistic development, making the most out of artistic development. The partnership with one of the best drama schools in Britain can bring the British approach of training for the country to employ to artists and educators.  

The British Council promotes the best of UK’s performing arts sector through workshops, seminars and conferences. Teaming up with our local theater scene will help us accomplish our goal of gearing up our actors to perform their best globally. The partnership is vital because it can tap into the rich theatre practice and tradition of the UK.

United Kingdom has indisputably one of the most extensive theatre experience: from the morality and mystery plays in the 1500s to the Renaissance plays, peaking up during the Elizabethan era, the period that produced Shakespeare and Marlowe.

This extensive well of experience has led the UK to refine their theatre practice, which any individual or company practicing theatre can acquire significant lessons from. 

PETA hopes to offer courses that will match personal and career interests of artists in the Philippines. Their partnership with the British Council provides a perfect opportunity for Filipino theatre practitioners to gain access to trainings that are typically not accessible here.

Drama in Education

PETA recognises the role of creative pedagogy as an essential contribution to human development. In our efforts to strengthen the individual, we are bringing in British teaching strategies with the presence of drama teachers who have gained experiences in educating students through theatre.

Many theatre schools in Britain have done it, letting students acquire practical knowledge and understanding of how theatre-making can inspire new possibilities. PETA will also include in the curriculum students debating on issues related to performing arts, applied theatre, and analysing the theatre text. With this, PETA will be integrating their existing curricula to basic and continuing education through instructors taking the course and learning from it. 

Arts Management

Playing on the notion that an arts institution must be part of a growing economy, we see the need to develop the presence and impact of arts institutions by strengthening management practices.

Arts management (or arts administration) involves the politics and the economics of an arts institution. PETA hopes to offer this innovative course as part of another cycle of their joint venture with the British Council.

Courses on Artistic Development

  1. Physical theater training
  2. Voice and speech training
  3. Introduction to technical theatre

Courses on Applied Theatre:

  1. Drama in education course
  2. Actor training and coaching course

Courses on Arts/Theater Management:

  1. Arts management focusing on theatre
  2. Funding and global networking for artists

PETA also acknowledges that the actors of today can learn a lot from Britain’s most famous playwright, William Shakespeare. Born in an age where the arts’ main function is to replicate existing religious ideals, he brought in plays that are based on realism and created believable characters that show the rich diversity and depth of human beings. Actors, directors, playwrights and educators can also learn a lot from the bard’s intricate use of language. We hope to offer a Shakespeare Intensive Workshop and a course that will aid teachers in teaching Shakespeare, especially to young people.  

Shakespeare for Artistic Development
Shakespeare Intensive

Applied Shakespeare
Teaching Shakespeare to Kids/Young People

Action Required

The British Council requires a proposal from interested UK institutions addressing any of the requirements indicated above. The proposal will include:

  • a short background of the institution
  • the proposed course or programme
  • length of delivery
  • number of UK staff involved
  • target participants
  • costs or pricing 

We hope to receive proposals as email attachments by 30 September 2013. 

UK Study tour
The British Council is prepared to arrange a study tour in the UK with 2 representatives from PETA visit and meet with shortlisted UK universities and institutions to discuss opportunities and possibilities.

The schedule UK visit starts on the week of 9 December 2013.