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Call for interest: Chinese Institution seeks UK partners for joint programmes in the fields of management, languages and advertising

Tianjin College of Commerce (TCC) is looking for UK partners interested in establishing a Ministry of Education approved transnational education joint undergraduate programme in the following fields:

· Tourism Management

· Hospitality Management

· Logistics Management

· Business English

· Advertising

Benefits for the UK partner

· Establish a long-term partnership with a vocational higher education institute in Tianjin

· Potential for expansion into other fields, such as student and faculty exchange

· Benefitting future student recruitment (both from the partnership directly and indirectly through increased brand and presence)

The UK partner will be expected to:

· Jointly develop the curriculum for the joint programme

· Provide support in the quality assurance of the programme, including hosting academic visits and training of qualified faculty

· Undertake one third of programme teaching

· Ensure compliance with all necessary regulations for formally approved transnational education programmes in China.

Tianjin College of Commerce will be responsible for:

· Programme application paperwork to the Chinese Ministry of Education (with supporting documents from the UK partner)

· Promoting and recruiting students for the programme

· Operational, teaching and administrative costs of the collaborative programme

TCC is open to discussing the financial structure and other partnership details with the UK partner directly, including top up programmes and collaboration on Chinese language.

About Tianjin College of Commerce

Tianjin College of Commerce (TCC) is a vocational higher education institution, registered with the Ministry of Education. Founded over 60 years ago as Tianjin Institute of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Tianjin College of Commerce now has over 8,000 students and 400 faculty members.

TCC has partnerships with institutions in several countries, including the UK, the US and Australia, in research exchanges, joint programmes, and student exchanges.

The College is on the first list of Model Vocational Colleges in Tianjin, and its teaching is ranked 59th in the national vocational college rankings. TCC has also won three first prizes and five second city-wide awards for teaching excellence.

Action Required

Interested UK institutions please contact ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn  by Monday 14 September 2020 with a brief introduction to your institution, covering any strengths and experience in developing and delivering joint programmes in the relevant subject areas.


· Sep to Nov 2020: initial discussions on the partnership

· Dec 2020: (if ready) application submitted to Tianjin Education Commission

· Mar 2021: approval by Tianjin Education Commission

· Mar to May 2021: programme promotion or supplementary application

· Sep 2021: First year enrolment on to the programme