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Call: Higher Education Links - Seed funding for UK and Argentine Collaborations

The British Council Argentina is currently accepting applications to the Higher Education Links programme, which is offering seed funding for high quality collaborations between Argentinian HE institutions and UK education and research organisations.

The Higher Education Links programme seeks to support mutual collaboration between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Argentina and counterpart organisations in the UK (including HEIs, NGOs, Public Offices and Research Centres) in order for them to develop joint projects to tackle societal challenges with direct relevance to Argentina’s social welfare and economic policy. HELINKS provides successful candidates with small-scale match-funding to develop high-quality collaborations between UK Institutions and Argentine HEIs. 

There are two types of grants candidates can choose to apply for: HELINKS Travel Grant and HELINKS Workshop Grant.

Proposals must include one applicant from the UK and one applicant from Argentina.

For more details, please visit our website.

Application guidelines and application form attached to this opportunity announcement.

Action Required

Call closes: 31 October 2018.

UK and Argentine applicants must submit their joint proposals by completing the application form in English. The application form must be signed by both the applicant and their main counterpart at the partner institution. The application form and supporting documents must be attached and sent to HELinks.Argentina@britishcouncil.org identifying the name of the proposal in the subject line.