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Call: Higher Education Links | Opening: May 17 - Closing: July 1

There are two types of grant candidates can choose to apply for: HELINKS Travel Grant and HELINKS Workshop Grant. Compare and find out their differences before applying.

Who can apply?

A. HELINKS Travel Grant
Individuals affiliated with an Argentine HEI or individuals at a UK institution seeking to connect with an Argentine HEI that meet the corresponding eligibility requirements.
Here: https://argentina.britishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/he_links_2019_-...
B. HELINKS Workshop Grant
Individuals affiliated with an Argentine HEI or individuals at a UK institution seeking to connect with an Argentine HEI that meet the corresponding eligibility requirements.

Which are the priority areas for this call?
Student Employability and Competitiveness
Research and Development
Social Innovation and Inclusion

What stage of binational collaboration is this grant applicable to?
A. This grant seeks to support the development of initial or incipient UK/Argentina institutional connections with the aim of creating proposals for future project partnerships.
B. This grant applies to more advanced stages of binational collaborations where the participating institutions have already identified a joint project of interest and are ready to deliver face-to-face workshops to develop and execute their work.

What does the grant cover?

A.This grant covers the cost of a return airfare to the main location of the partner institution in the UK or Argentina. Matching funds from the institutions should cover any additional travel-related costs (accommodation, meals, travel insurance, etc.)
B.Seed funding of AR$ 300,000 towards the development and execution of workshops in line with the Programme guidelines. Funds are awarded on a match funded basis, whereby the participating institutions contribute an equal amount to the project (this can include in-kind contributions).

Previous participants in the HELINKS programme are also eligible to apply for funding for a grant of AR$ 500,000 with the aim of developing a larger scale project with the key objective of building an institutional partnership between the UK and Argentine institutions.

What is the expected outcome of the grant?
A. The successful candidate should have undertaken the agreed trip to the partner institution and carried out relevant activities to develop a draft proposal for a future binational collaboration. Submission of a final report outlining this proposal will be required.
B. The participating institutions will have carried out a series of workshops at the Argentine HEI. They will have submitted a final report including the results of the workshops and a proposal for the continuation of the binational collaboration and the development of an institutional partnership.

When should the activity take place?
A. Successful candidates should travel to their destination institutions between 1 August 2019 to 28 February 2020.
B. The joint workshops with UK experts should take place at the Argentine HEI between 1 August 2019 to 28 February 2020.

Where can I find the guidelines?
Here: https://argentina.britishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/he_links_2019_-...

How can I apply?
A. Submit your complete application form together with the required supporting documents by 1 July 2019. Please see the Action Required section below for further information.
B. Submit your complete application form together with the required supporting documents by 1 July 2019. Please see the Action Required section below for further information

Find application forms here: https://argentina.britishcouncil.org/en/programmes/education/call-higher...

Action Required

UK and Argentine applicants must submit their joint proposals by completing the application form in English. The application form must be signed by both the applicant and their main counterpart at the partner institution. The application form and supporting documents must be attached and sent to HELinks.Argentina@britishcouncil.org identifying the name of the proposal in the subject line.

Successful candidates for either the HELINKS Travel Grant or the HELINKS Workshop Grant will be notified as of 15 July 2019.

All documents are available for download here: https://argentina.britishcouncil.org/en/programmes/education/call-higher...

Information available in Spanish here: https://argentina.britishcouncil.org/programas/educacion/convocatoria-hi...