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Call for a grant application from UK Universities for the development and delivery of a capacity building programme on Leading Change Management in Educational Systems


The Indian government aspires to nurture a globally mobile and future ready workforce by enhancing the quality of its education system. Through the adoption of the NEP 2020 it aims to ensure that its school education system meet international standards and delivers highest quality of learning experience to its students. The British Council as a part of its work in education supports this through its partnership with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) which has been formalised through the signing of an MOU between the two organisations to create a competency based approach to assessment and pedagogy.

It is acknowledged that implementation of radical and innovative ideas that will shift long held practice, need to be managed through a well thought through change management plan.

This grant will be awarded to a University or agency that offers an appropriately designed, blended change management short programme for a batch of 12 to 15 senior education leaders and policy implementors.

The course to begin virtually in March 2021 with study visit to the UK around October/November 2021.

Specifications of the Short Course

The short programme should address the theme of Leading Change Management in Educational Systems

The programme should be a judicious blend of synchronous virtual learning, self-access modules and 5 days residential training at the University campus in the UK. The visit to be scheduled around October to November 2021. This should include engagement with experts and international practitioners of change management.

The content of the module needs to be developed in consultation and partnership with British Council and CBSE and other nodal agencies as required by Ministry of Education. The consultation can be in the form of an orientation session offering a glimpse of the different topics and skills that the university proposes to cover through online, self-access and face to face residential sessions and study visit to the UK.

The course need not have an element of assessment but should include some action research or task and should provide the participants with feedback on their assignment and engagement and a participation/completion certificate.


At the end of the course, the participants should be able to:

  1. Drive digital and organisational transformation
  2. Formulate and implement strategy for change
  3. Provide strong leadership to the team by providing direction and driving the change
  4. Establish clear and motivating goals and objectives with a vision for the future
  5. Establish a culture within the organisation that encourages change
  6. Effectively communicate the need for change, the steps involved, the progress and manage resistance.


A total grant of upto £60,000 inclusive of VAT (approx. £5000 per participant) to cover course fee and UK study visit expenses (accommodation, meals, local travel).

Process of Application and Award

Selection Criteria


Points (Total 30)

Content and Resources


Methodology and Delivery strategy


Profile of the Course Coordinator and other experts delivering the programme


Residential Programme Plans including study visits and interaction with practitioners


Profile of the University and its Global experience and expertise in Education Systems and Change management in systems similar to India.


Value for money and cost effectiveness of the programme



Action Required


Last date of Submission in 31 January 2021.

Result Announcement 10 February 2021.

Submmit application form and for any query please write to Varsha.bhatia@britishcouncil.org.

please find application form in attachment.