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Call for Expression of Interest - Peruvian university teachers UK mission

A client of the British Council in Peru would like to send a delegation of 10 – 15 Peruvian university academics/researchers to visit the UK.

Only Universities will be considered for this Call for Proposals.

The key aim of the mission is for Peruvian university teachers and researchers to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the UK Higher Education and Research environment, focusing in development, innovation, as well as experiencing British everyday academic and research-related activities with the purpose of enhancing their own, in addition to developing intercultural skills for future engagement with the UK Higher Education sector. Through this mission, we hope to demonstrate the existing potential of having partnerships with institutions in the UK which may lead in the growth of exchange between the two countries,

  • Duration: 15 days
  • Dates: 18 November - 2 December 2019
  • Priority areas:
    • Software Engineering, Data Science and image processing.
    • Process Management, Human Talent Management and use of ICT in business management.
    • Transgenic food research, quinoa research and industrialization of potatoes.

Action Required

Should you be interested, please send your expression of interest to Pia Reategui pia.reategui@britishcouncil.org by 30 September 2019. Your proposal should include the following information:

  • Description of the institution
  • The proposed programme, specifying courses, lectures, and additional activities.
  • Proposed budget and breakdown of costs

Universities may also apply as part of a consortium, clearly specifying responsibilities and division of the programme between partner institutions.