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Call for Expression of Interest - Consultancy and Capacity Building in Internationalisation for Brazil HEIs

We have a very exciting opportunity for the UK HE sector, for which we are seeking Expressions of Interest to help us validate the feasibility before launching a full open call for proposals. The British Council, together with a partner in Brazil, is looking for a UK provider to assist Brazilian Higher Education Institutions in the design of strategic plans, in alignment with quality standards and internationalisation policy in the national sector. The Project consists of a 18-month individualised support with the objective of providing a group of up to 40 Higher Education Institutions in Brazil with:

  1. Diagnosis of their strengths and capabilities, looking at their graduate programmes and how they connect and benefit each other;
  2. Workshop for pro-vice chancellor’s office and coordinators of graduate programmes on how to assess and maximise their universities’ mission;
  3. Recommendations and milestones that support the development of strategic plans for improved quality and increased internationalisation, considering the university’s profile and baseline;
  4. Online monitoring and support during the duration of the Project;
  5. Analysis of the institution’s strategic plan and feedback on capabilities.

The Project aims to provide each of the 40 institutions with a tailored support that will develop a consistent and impactful approach and result in the design of their institutional strategic plan; The consultancy and capacity building may consist of field visits to provide training and assessment, online tools and resources, distance learning and / or monitoring, or other methodologies to be described when expressing the interest from your institution. I. Duration: 18 months II. Dates: TBC III. Group Description:

  • A group of 40 Brazilian Higher Education Institutions, from different regions of the country, from the public and private sectors
  • Each university will receive individual assistance to develop their strategic plans and ideally include related activities with regional/institutional networks
  • The group to be supported will be a minimum of 10 people, per university

IV. Budget The maximum Budget is of £13,500 per Brazilian institution. At this stage we are seeking validation that this is of interest to UK institutions that can provide this service and gain an understanding of how feasible it could be in terms of alignment to UK HE priorities and budget requirements.

Action Required

We ask you to send, together with your expression of interest, an idea of how this would be developed and delivered, and the methodology to be used.

To achieve this, we are seeking Expressions of Interest until 10 April 2019. To submit an expression, please write to Simone Ricci (simone.ricci@britishcouncil.org.br) with a brief response to the following questions:
- Would you be able to support the full group of 40 institutions? If not, please confirm how many would you be able to support.
- Do you have experience with this type of intervention?
- Please confirm the availability of staff to deliver the service and conduct field work in Brazil.
- Do you consider the programme is possible in the budget? If yes, do send an idea of budget and services.
- Would you be interested in partnering with another UK university to deliver this project?
- Do you have any other suggestions, concerns or thoughts on the opportunity?

We are also going to host a videoconference online with the UK sector on Friday, 5 April 2019 at 1 p.m. UK time in which we will discuss the opportunity in more detail and answer any questions you may have about what will be required to tender. Please email Simone if you would like to attend, and she will send you an invitation.