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Call for co-presenters: Forum on Education Abroad Annual Conference

The Forum on Education Abroad is now accepting educational sessions and workshops for its 12th Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA. Conference sessions should adhere to the theme for this conference, which is Navigating the Intersections: the Cultures of Education Abroad.

Conference details: 
12th Forum on Education Abroad Conference
6 - 8 April 2016
Atlanta, Georgia

Possible conference sessions for the British Council are but not limited to the following:

  • International STEM students
  • Barriers and trends in student mobility
  • Types of study abroad and exchange programs in the UK
  • Multilateral research partnerships

The Forum on Education Abroad is a membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for the field of education abroad.

Action Required

If you will be attending the conference and want to propose a joint session, please email quting.zheng@britishcouncil.org.