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Call for articulation and top-up degree provision partners from Lingnan University

Lingnan University is one of eight publicly funded university grants council universities in Hong Kong. Located in the Northwestern part of Hong Kong, Lingnan LIFE is the institute of further education that falls under the university umbrella offering an array of full-time and part-time programmes, covering Higher Diploma, Diploma, Yi Jin Diploma, Lifelong Learning programmes and Degree programmes. The institution’s website is life.ln.edu.hk.

Each year between 2-3,000 students graduate from Lingnan with sub-degrees, a significant portion of which progress to local top-up degrees or articulate to overseas universities.

Lingnan LIFE would like to form agreements with UK universities with a view to:

  1. Offering top-up degrees locally
  2. Forming articulation agreements, which Lingnan LIFE would promote to its sub-degree students as overseas articulation opportunities. 

Specifically, the following subject areas are viewed as market opportunities for top-up provision:

  • Psychology and social services
  • Arts and communications
  • Business studies

Top-up course provision should begin in September 2015. A positive student experience would be a key selling point, with students on UK programmes offered full access to Lingnan University campus facilities.

Action Required

Interested UK universities please contact Steve Corry, Regional Business Development Manager at (852) 2913 5156 or email to steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk by Friday 21 November to express initial interest.