Call for applications: Newton Institutional Links programme

The Newton Institutional Links programme is managed by the British Council, Internationalisation of Higher Education (IHE) team.

Newton Institutional Links grants are intended to provide small-scale seed funding to:

  • Initiate new research and innovation collaborations between academic groups, departments and institutions in partner countries and the UK
  • Develop existing collaborations at group, departmental and institutional level
  • Encourage these collaborations to work with non-academic organisations and individuals to support the exchange of research and innovation expertise and the translation of research knowledge into tangible benefits
  • Establish local hubs for UK-partner country activity in a particular area, enabling engagement from the wider research and innovation community.

Please note that matched funding from participating Vietnamese partner institutions is required to meet a minimum of 50% of the total collaboration budget either in terms of cash, or in terms of matched effort. 

Action Required

Please visit Newton Institutional Links programme for more information and to apply for the grant.

Contact details for Newton Fund programme in Vietnam

Nguyen Thu Giang 
Higher Education Manager (Science and Innovation)
British Council
20 Thuy Khue, Hanoi, Vietnam
T +84 (0)4 3728 1920 ext 1926
Direct +84 (0)4 37281926
F +84 (0)4 3843 4962
M + 84 912237845
Phan Thi Bao Phi
Higher Education Manager (Partnership)
British Council
25 Le Duan, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
T + 84 (0)8 3823 2862 ext 2500
F +84 (0)8 3823 2861
M +84 903 996 841