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British Council Indonesia will hold a Pre-Departure Briefing in July 2017 - please invite your offer holders

British Council, British Embassy Jakarta, (IABA) Indonesia Association of British Alumni and Mata Garuda (LPDP Alumni Association) are hosting another Pre-Departure Briefing in Jakarta this year.

Pre-departure briefings are organised for students who are going to study in the UK. It will help students prepare for their departure to the UK and provide practical information needed to start settling in when arrive including accepting offer, visa applications, travel, accommodation, banking, safety, health and well-being and other aspects of living in the UK.

UK Alumni champions, and current students who are currently studying in the UK, will also share their experiences of studying and living in the country, how to participate in the classroom, how to write a thesis/dissertation and what’s the situation in UK now.

There will be 20 round tables named on city destinations in the UK. Each table will be manned by one or two UK Alumni Champions volunteers (They will wear a pin “UK Alumni Champion”) who answer questions and shared their experiences with the participants.

If you would like your upcoming intake students to participate in this event, kindly inform them to register no longer than 25 July 2017 by this link: bit.ly/BritishCouncilPreDeparture2017

Below is the Event Detail:

Day/Date: Saturday, 29 July, 2017
Time:13:00 – 18:00
Venue: Financial Hall, 2nd Floor, Financial Club Jakarta
Graha CIMB Niaga. Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 58 - Jakarta 12190
Participants: Students who are going to study in the UK


13.00 – 13.30 Registration (Coffee+Tea+Snack)
13.30 – 13.40 Welcome by Country Director British Council in Indonesia (10 mins)
13.40 – 13.50 Speech by HMA Moazzam Malik (10 mins)
13.50 – 15.20 Pre-Departure presentation from BC + Q&A (30 mins)
15.20 – 15.35 Break (Ashar Prayer, 15 mins)
15.35 - 16.20 Presentations about student visa by UKVI + Q&A (45 mins)
16.20 –17.05 Sharing session with 2 alumni and 2 current students (moderated by Fibria) + Q&A
17.05 - 18.00 Closing & Networking Dinner

Venue map

Action Required

Registration deadline: 25 July 2017
Registration link: bit.ly/BritishCouncilPreDeparture2017

For further information you can contact Mr. Acho at Muhammad.muhiddin@britishcouncil.or.id

*Note that this event is exclusively for students who will be studying in the UK for 2017/2018 intake