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  • British Council in Indonesia Seeks Three UK Experts for Curriculum Development, The UK Support to Indonesia International Islamic University

British Council in Indonesia Seeks Three UK Experts for Curriculum Development, The UK Support to Indonesia International Islamic University


Government of Indonesia, through Presidential Decree Number 57/2016, has established Indonesian International Islamic University (IIIU). The university is due to be open in 2018 with courses will be thought in English and Arabic. The university mission is to:

  • serve as the model of an Internationally recognised higher education institute in Indonesia focusing on the study of Islam and / or social sciences through multi-disciplinary approaches ensuring high quality research and teaching;
  • serve as the centre for the preservation and development of Indonesia’s Islamic cultures and traditions; and
  • produce strategic policies and recommendations on issues of religious affairs, world peace and democracy.

A draft curriculum has been developed by a team of Indonesian academics (IIIU Core Team) appointed by the Government. This team is based in the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta’s Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM). British Council is committed to supporting the development and quality enhancement of the IIIU by introducing UK academic excellence to the curriculum development process.


Profile of UK Experts

British Council is looking for three UK experts in curriculum development in three subject areas namely political science, Islamic studies, and education. The UK experts will work together with the IIIU Core Team in reviewing, fine-tuning and finalising IIIU curricula that meet current international best practice in Islamic studies. The UK experts must be currently employed by a UK higher education institution.


Purpose of Consultancy

To provide conceptual and technical skills needed to write internationally excellent political science, Islamic studies and education curricula for the Indonesia International Islamic University (IIIU).



The UK experts are expected to work closely with the IIIU Core Team in the development of IIU curricula that meet current international best practice in Islamic studies. Their responsibilities include:

  • Review the draft curricula that have been written by IIIU Core Team. This task can be done in the UK, communication with the IIIU Core Team can be established through email, phone and Skype meeting.
  • Facilitate curriculum development workshop in Jakarta – Indonesia. Participants of this workshop is the IIIU Core Team and other Indonesian academics involved in writing the draft curriculum.
  • Together with the IIU Core Team revise and finalise the curriculum incorporating inputs and feedback from the workshop. This task can be done in the UK, communication with the IIIU Core Team can be established through email, phone and Skype meeting.


Output of Consultancy

Internationally excellent political science, Islamic studies and education curricula for the Indonesia International Islamic University (IIIU).


Reporting Arrangements

The UK experts are expected to work closely with the IIIU Core Team based in UIN Jakarta and to provide regular updates to Muhaimin Syamsuddin, IHE Senior Manager British Council in Indonesia.


Contract and Deliverables

The UK experts’ contract will be for up to 20 days with 15 days expected to be spent in the UK, and 5 days spent in Jakarta. Any amendment to this arrangement (i.e. consultancy for more than 20 days) will be discussed and agreed in advance between parties (i.e. British Council, and the UK experts). Anticipated timeframe of consultancy:


Consultancy Days



Review draft curricula that have been written by the IIIU Core Team, including preparations for a curriculum development workshop

5 days


Nov 2017

Facilitate curriculum development workshop

5 days


11 – 15 Dec 2017

Revise and finalise the curriculum incorporating inputs and feedback from the workshop

10 days


Jan – Feb 2018


Services provided by British Council Indonesia


  • Consultancy fee
  • Airfare and accommodation during the workshop in Jakarta as per British Council travel policy


Expression of Interest

More information will be available upon receipt of an Expression of Interest and proposed methodology and current CV can be emailed to Muhaimin Syamsuddin at muhaimin.syamsuddin@britishcouncil.or.id by COP Sunday 12 Nov 2017 GMT.




12 Nov 2017

Expression of Interest submission deadline. The Expression of Interest must also include current CV, and curriculum development methodology and curriculum development workshop outline

15 Nov 2017

Selected UK expert confirmed

17 Nov 2017

Contract between UK experts and British Council signed

Nov 2017 - Feb 2018


Action Required

More information will be available upon receipt of an Expression of Interest and proposed methodology and current CV can be emailed to Muhaimin Syamsuddin at muhaimin.syamsuddin@britishcouncil.or.id by COP Sunday 12 Nov 2017 GMT.