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British Council China’s Pre-departure briefings Call for UK alumni from China to support pre-departure briefings

British Council China is organising a pre-departure event which will give participating institutions an opportunity to engage with alumni and offer holders.

An afternoon Study UK: Discover You pre-departure briefing will provide prospective students and current applicants the chance to hear directly from UKVI on visa processes, engage in interactive demonstrating sessions, receive pre-departure guidance and materials from British Council staff and connect with future students.






17 June

14:00 – 17:00

Sheraton Guangzhou Hotel


18 June

14:00 – 17:00

Shanghai Four Seasons Hotel


18 June

14:00 – 17:00

Renaissance Beijing Wangfujing Hotel


24 June

14:00 – 17:00

The Ritz-Carlton

Target audience

•         Prospective students who are aiming to enrol in the autumn or winter sessions but are yet to receive confirmed acceptances (i.e. CAS letter or unconditional offers)
•         Offer holders who have not made a final decision and are undecided between a few options
•         Current applicants who have received confirmed acceptances and have either already applied for visa or are preparing to apply
•         Other students departing for study in the UK, on undergraduate or postgraduate programmes
•         Families of current applicants and prospective students are also welcome to attend

 Benefits to the participating institution

 •           An opportunity to increase their exposure in China and showcase their quality though their alumni
 •           An opportunity to connect with their alumni

 Benefits for Alumni
 • Opportunity to share their UK study experience with future students

Action Required

How to get involved?
Participating institutions should nominate their alumni volunteers to attend this event. Institutions who do not have plans to hold their own pre-departure briefing are also welcome to invite their applicants to this event.
Volunteers’ responsibilities
• Volunteers will offer counselling to incoming and prospective students and their parents at each institution’s information stand.
• Selected volunteers will also be invited to host an interactive demonstration session area or a quiz session about studying and living in the UK to attending students and their parents.*
Staff from international offices in the UK or representative offices in China are welcome to accompany confirmed volunteers.
Volunteers must be Chinese nationals who have graduated from a UK institution within the past three years.
Each participating alumni volunteer will receive RMB100 from the British Council to cover transportation costs within China.
*Due to time limitations, not all confirmed volunteers will be invited to be a host. The British Council will select two volunteers from participating institutions from England, and one volunteer from participating institutions from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively to be a host. Selections will be made on a short telephone interview basis by British Council.
How to apply
Please complete the below application form and send it to zhiyuan.xie@britishcouncil.org.cn by 9 June 2017.

Application formEM.doc328.5 KB