Brazil Exhibitions 2013

Following the success of UK Universities 2012, that broke all quantity and quality records in country, British Council Brazil will organise a new exhibition in October 2013. But if you want to visit the country in the first semester, there are alternatives:

  • EDUEXPO ( is a commercial company with solid and professionally organised events. They will give a 20% discount to British Council partners for the March events. Like any other fair in Brazil, it is more focused on language students, but it always generates some good leads for HE. Contact: Julio Ronchetti
  • EXPOBELTA ( The traditional event organised by the local agents will give a US$ 200 discount for British Council partners. Expobelta is more suitable for language providers and the FE sector. Contact: Mariglan
  • There are people advertising a Virtual Fair with Brazilian students, connected to Science Without Borders. We don't know anything about the fair or the organisers. Hard to say much about it, but we'd trust more in the events that are well established in Brazil, like the ones mentioned above.

Action Required

For more infomration, please send an email to Adriana Sorrenti.