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Brazil 101 consultancy service - what you should know before getting started

Our new consultancy product delivers in an interactive way the package of information that you need to know before exploring the Brazilian market. This is the fastest and most effective way to become aware of in depth information you need to talk to students, agents and local institutions.

Brazil is such a unique market, and its size and potential reflect many opportunities, but also important obstacles. You need to be aware of all of them to come up with the best strategy for your institution. Brazil 101 is delivered face-to-face or through the phone, and finishes with an open discussion. We will help you customise a plan to your strengths and the market’s profile. 

Spend the most useful 90 minutes of your effort in Brazil with us, receiving and analysing data, and becoming an expert.

Brazil 101 Consultancy service: £250 per session


Action Required

If interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please send an email to Gustavo Mattos.