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Bidding now open for a £90,000 fund to scope China's skills market

As part of the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review, the UK Government announced a £1.3 billion cross-Government Prosperity Fund to run over the next five years (2016/17 to 2020/21). Its primary purpose is to promote growth in partner countries through economic reform and development. As well as contributing to inclusive economic development and reducing poverty in the recipient countries, the Fund is expected to deliver secondary benefits by creating commercial opportunities for international businesses, including from the UK. The role of the Fund is set out in the UK’s aid strategy – Tackling Global Challenges in the National Interest.

Under the Skills strand of the China Prosperity Fund Programme, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has set aside up to £90,000 in funding to commission a scoping study to assess China’s skills development needs and potential market, and make recommendations on the scope, nature, prioritisation, and cost of a set of interventions that might make up a Prosperity Fund Skills programme.

The programme intends to cover three broad themes: skills system development, skills for industrial growth, and skills for regional development.

Bidding for up to £90,000 in funding is now open to organisations and institutions involved in skills education. For further details of the funding and all information regarding the application process and timeline, please view the attached PDF document.

Action Required

All Tender documentation will be published, and all substantive communication between the Authority and bidders will be conducted via the FCO’s eProcurement Portal BRAVOSolution. URL is https://fco.bravosolution.co.uk/ (requires registration), then navigate to Project_1568 / ITT_ 2111. Your Tender must be submitted electronically through the BRAVOSolution eProcurement Portal by 10:00 UK Time / 18:00 Beijing Time, 18 January 2018. Tenders not submitted via the BRAVO portal will not be considered.  Please send any enquiries to Jonnah.Dapiton@fco.gsi.gov.uk