Bespoke China roadshows - maximise your faculty promotion

The British Council China invites UK universities to participate in the 2018 Faculty Promotion Roadshow, designed for UK universities to recruit prospective Chinese students and establish sustainable links with student-sending institutions across mainland China through the provision of demo classes by faculty academics to students in targeted institutions.


In an increasingly competitive student recruitment market in China, where students have more choice than ever and access to more and more information through digital platforms, developing a focused strategy and specifically targeting students whilst in country is becoming more important than ever. Giving students access to faculty staff and highlighting key subject strengths and areas of research as well as building close links with student-sending institutions is a must for those looking to maintain good recruitment numbers and grow their brand.


The British Council has successfully run faculty promotion roadshows for the last two years, capitalising on our strong relationships with student-sending institutions and in-depth understanding of the Chinese education market. In 2018, in response to the changing landscape, the British Council China is offering fully tailored road shows for individual institutions. The British Council will advise on suitable cities and subject areas, scope appropriate Chinese institutions, advise on marketing and promotion of the roadshows and make all necessary logistical arrangements to facilitate the road shows.


Benefits for UK institutions


  • Greater flexibility means UK institutions can combine a road show around wider marketing plans in China, allowing institutions to create maximum impact whilst in country and ensure best value for money
  • Freedom to choose subject areas, key cities of interest and timings of the road show based on faculty availability
  • Direct access to highly-targeted students in your institution’s priority cities in China.


Joining instructions

UK institutions who are interested should complete the application form and send it to Ms Mandy Deng ( as an attachment at least two months before the event, allowing us sufficient time to coordinate with host institutions.


Participation fee

For the roadshow, the British Council China will charge a participation fee of £450 (exclusive of VAT) per host institution visited, which will cover programme planning, promotion, coordination and briefings for the visiting UK universities, as well as logistical support during the sessions. The participation fee does not cover international or domestic travel, accommodation, subsistence or freight.




A visa will be necessary for UK passport holders to participate in the roadshow.  The British Council can provide invitation letters to participants who require a visa, but it is the responsibility of the applicant institution to follow the correct procedures.


Further information regarding visas for China can be found on the website of the Chinese Embassy in the UK (

Action Required

UK institutions who are interested should complete the application form and send it to Ms Mandy Deng ( as an attachment at least two months before the event, allowing us sufficient time to coordinate with host institutions.