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Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications seeks UK partners to develop partnership programme

Cooperation needs

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) would like to work with a UK university to develop partnership programmes, in the field of Information and Communication Engineering, and Computer Science and Technology.

Possible Models of Collaboration

  1. Undergraduate Dual-Bachelor Programmes

School of Computer Science, BUPT is looking for UK partners to develop joint undergraduate programs in the models of 4+0, 2+2, 3+1 in Shenzhen Campus. Teaching and learning will be jointly delivered by BUPT and UK partners. Tuition will be paid according to the models of collaboration. The candidates are awarded degrees by the two partner institutions separately.

  1. 1+1+1 Master-Degree Articulation Programmes

Two partners jointly develop and deliver 1+1+1 master-degree articulation program with dual degrees in the fields of computer science and technology with the aim of recruiting up to 20-30 students per year.

  1. Undergraduate Summer School (4-week summer school programmes)

BUPT will invite teaching staff from UK partner to participate in teaching and practice projects in summer school and effect payment.

Benefits for the UK partners

This provides an opportunity for the UK partners to:

  • establish long-term partnership with BUPT, with potential for expansion into other fields such as research, articulation, student exchange, faculty exchange, teacher training, etc.
  • attract more domestic and international students
  • enhance recognition and reputation in China
  • establish alumni association and social network in China
  • benefit from local industrial and economic outcomes

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

BUPT will be responsible for:

  • promoting and recruiting students for the programs
  • providing qualified teaching staff to work jointly with partners for the joint programs
  • sending a representative to UK partners to support coordination between partners

The UK partners will be expected to work with BUPT to:

  • design the topics for practice projects
  • work jointly with BUPT tutors to supervise of the practice projects
  • accept a representative from BUPT to work for the possible collaborating programs

About Chinese University

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) was established in 1955, and it is one of the first “Project 211” universities and is included in “Project 985 Innovation Platform for Superior Discipline”. Two of BUPT disciplines, namely Information and Communication Engineering and Computer Science and Technology are in China’s “Double first-class” discipline list. Computer Science and Technology and Electronic Science and Technology are evaluated at or above A Class, and ICE was evaluated at A+ Class. Besides, our Computer Science discipline was ranked 20th in US News Best Global Universities Rankings in 2019. In Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2020, our institution was ranked 5th in Telecommunication Engineering.


BUPT plans to start discussion with potential partners as soon as possible. The university is flexible in terms of timeline and open for UK partners’ enquiries.

More information about BUPT can be accessed at https://www.bupt.edu.cn/bygk/zjby/xxjj.htm.

How to apply

UK partners interested in this opportunity should fill the online survey: https://forms.office.com/e/4GxFrWEUku, by 18 May 2023.

If there is any enquiry, you could also contact us at ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn.