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Beijing International Studies University Seeks UK Partner for Undergraduate Articulation Programme

In order to expand its students’ international horizons Beijing International Studies University’s School of English Language, Literature and Culture (SELLC), intends to sponsor 5-6 English students each year to study in the UK.

It is looking for a partner to host these students in the UK for 2 years on a 1+2+1 articulation programme, on an annual basis. The preferred subjects include Media, International Relations, Business and Finance, subject areas that the School of English Language feel will be most accessible to their students.

The student’s costs will be fully covered by Beijing Municipal Government as an award to the selected students.

About SELLC, Beijing International Studies University

Established in 1964, Beijing International Studies University offers a wide range of foreign language courses. In 2008 and 2009, SELLC was awarded the city-level and state-level featured major by the City of Beijing and the Ministry of Education, for their innovative curriculum and pedagogy.

SELLC has partnered with universities in America, Australia and UK for summer school and articulation programmes. The success of these programmes has received a high level of recognition from students, parents and employers. The graduates were praised by employers in government departments, international trade, companies, financial institutions, TV stations and other agencies because of their exceptional English proficiency and capabilities.


SELLC wishes to receive responses from UK universities in April 2016 with detailed communication taking place between the two parties from May. The school plans to start sending students to the UK from September 2016.

Action Required

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 31 March 2016.