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Advertising opportunity to reach out to prospective students in Singapore

We published our first edition of "Studying in the United Kingdom" education special, in partnership with Campus magazine in March 2012. Packed with useful information for anyone looking to study in the UK, the brochure has been a hit with the students and school counsellors.

Following the success of the previous editions, we are now preparing for the fourth edition and would like to invite UK institutions to take up Profile Pages within the publication.

Why should your institution take up a profile page?
• Your presence in Singapore for the entire year! This will be distributed at our 2015 Education UK Exhibition (7 March) and all outreach events we attend from March 2015 to February 2016.
• Extensive circulation – Print run of 10,000 copies and an online version on our Education UK website.
• Relevant content for the right audience
• Profile Pages - Advertorial style & fun layout, appealing to the target audience
• One of its kind publication in Singapore

Please refer to the attached booking form for more information.

Booking information
Booking deadline: 28 November 2014
Material Submission: 15 December 2014
Published: mid February 2015

Action Required

UK institutions who are interested in this proposal should contact Susan Tan (susan.tan@britishcouncil.org.sg) by 28 November 2014.