Advertising opportunity – Oh My English! Edutainment Magazine

Oh My English! was launched in May 2011 aiming to help school-goers build proficiency and confidence in everyday conversational English. It is designed specifically to help Malaysians improve their English proficiency. Oh My English! is available on TV, online, on radio, on-ground, in schools, on mobile devices, in print and via games.

Oh My English! Edutainment Magazine is a complement to the TV show and support learning activities through:

  • Phrases/ idioms that can be used in English
  • Demystifying grammar rules
  • Correction of common errors
  • And many more

Why advertise on Oh My English! Edutainment Magazine?
Your institution will be visible nationwide as there is a guaranteed circulation of 50,000 copies to high schools from 1 September 2012 and 20,000 copies available on newsstands.

Merchandise specifications
Position: Run of Page
Full Page Full Colour : £2,000

Prime Position
Inside Front Cover : £2,500
Outside Back Cover : £3,000
Inside Back Cover : £2,400

You may choose to have a Full Page or Double Page Spread

Artwork Submission Deadline
8 August 2012

Action Required

Please refer to attached documents for the programme profile and magazine mock-up.

If you are interested to advertise, please contact us latest by 27 July 2012.

British Council Malaysia's management fee of £344 will be added to the final invoice.

Oh My Engish Profile.pdf1.06 MB
Oh My Engish Mock Up.pdf4.91 MB