2013 UK Summer School Programme China road show

The British Council China and English UK are organising the 2013 UK SSP road show in China. This popular road show provides fast and direct opportunity to UK ELT providers especially vacation programmes providers to meet potential education consultancies, travel agents and local educational institutions who are actively engaged in this fast growing sector in China market. The road show also helps UK schools raise their school profile and recognition in the market through the extensive support from British Council and English UK.

This year’s road show will be held in November 2012 in 3 major cities - Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Wrap-around activities, publication promotion and e-campaign are also available to enable participating schools to engage bigger impact.

Timeline for Agent Workshops Venue  Dates
Shenzhen  25 November 2013
Shanghai 27 November 2013
Beijing 29 November 2013


There will be opportunities for UK ELT providers to have face-2-face meetings with Chinese agents through the e-schedule system.

Schools can select the workshops they would like to participate

Action Required

Please contact Su Si by 30 September 2013 for any queries.