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Room for everyone's talent: towards a new balance in the recognition and rewards of academics

29 April, 2022
The British Council Netherlands team is excited to share this excellent example of Dutch higher education practice with the UK HE field.
event taken place

Room for everyone's talent: towards a new balance in the recognition and rewards of academics

Europe, United Kingdom
Location of Delivery: 
29 April, 2022
Higher Education Institutions
Further Education Institutions
Schools & Independent Colleges

In 2019 the position paper ‘Room for everyone’s talent: towards a new balance in the recognition and rewards of academics’ was published, in which a group of Dutch higher education stakeholders indicated how they aim to more broadly recognise and reward the work of academic staff. This includes placing less emphasis on the number of publications, and a greater emphasis on the other domains in which the academic is active, such as education and impact. This broader form of recognition and appreciation is better suited to the current core tasks of knowledge and educational institutions and what society requires of these establishments. Modernising the system of recognition and rewards requires a cultural change as well as national and international coordination between all parties involved. Moreover, it requires the academics themselves, including academic leaders, to give shape to this modernisation and to embrace it.

The Netherlands and the UK, as North Sea neighbours, often take the opportunity to exchange knowledge and share good practices, and the British Council Netherlands team is excited to share this excellent example of Dutch higher education practice with the UK HE field. In this webinar Jeroen Geurts, Rector Magnificus at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and co-chair of the Dutch Recognition & Rewards steering group, will tell more about the programme and share examples of good practice. All UK and NL higher education representatives are invited to join the session and learn more about the recognition and rewards programme.

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