Project reference number: 20140512_010
An English Language Training school in China is looking for a partner to provide summer school programmes in the UK.
Planned date:
- Couse dates: 4 -16 August 2014 (2 weeks)
- Flight dates: Arrive on 3 August; depart on 17 August (4am in the morning)
- Times may be negotiable
Student background:
- Aged 12- 18 (the group includes one university student, with the rest under the age of 18)
- Group size from 20-30
Programme requirements:
- Accommodation: Home-stay or residential
- Campus location: London or Oxford or Cambridge, excursions must include visits to the other two cities
- A mixture of nationalities in classes
- English courses on a range of subjects: British/European Culture, Science, History, Drama and/or Music
- Sport and art activities
- The students will be accompanied by two members of staff (who should be exempt from the group cost)
Please send your proposals to Ms Su Si ( before Saturday 17 May 2014.
Details are available in the enclosed Pdf documents.