British Council Canada is keen to engage with UK alumni living in Canada as part of our SIEM (Services for International Education Marketing) programme. Over time, we will develop networking opportunities and events specifically for UK alumni. We also hope to engage UK alumni as ‘Study in the UK’ ambassadors to support our work raising the profile of UK study at student recruitment fairs across Canada.
To get the ‘UK alumni network’ ball rolling, we have the opportunity to invite a limited number of UK alumni to an event taking place in Toronto on the evening of 29th October. British Consul General, Mr. Jonathan Dart, and British Council Canada Director, Liliana Biglou, will host a reception to launch ‘The UK Experience’, a British Council film produced for the GREAT Britain Campaign. The short film highlights the achievements of some high profile Canadians who studied in the UK.
If you have alumni in the Toronto region who might be interested in attending this event, please forward their details to Elizabeth McCallion, Education Partnerships Manager on (Invitations will be made on a first-come-first-served basis if there is more interest than availability.)