There is 1 available spot to participate in the Study UK School Counsellor Seminar on 28 February 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The event is intended to educate school counsellors on UK Higher Education, while at the same time providing you with an opportunity to develop your market presence by networking with a group of key influencers.

Event Format:

• Presentation slot: Participating institutions will be able to deliver a presentation on either "The next generation of mobile computing" or a similar topic within Science and Math courses. Presentations are to be generic in nature, and educational for the counsellors in terms of studying STEAM in the UK, not just your own institution. We anticipate that this will still be beneficial for your institution in terms of name recognition, however you will not be charged for delivering a Study UK talk.

• Speed Networking event: Talk with a group of counsellors to answer any questions they might have on your institution and the subjects you offer. Also, this session allows a more in-depth relationship building

• Email marketing: A follow-up email marketing will be sent to all counsellors who have attended the event. The email will feature links to each participating institutions’ key programme, presentation slides and key contact details. This will further cement your brand recall.

• Lunch and informal networking: The event will also include a lunch and informal networking session between UK institutions and school counsellors

You are highly encouraged to bring your brochures, banners and any other marketing collateral along to be handed out to the counsellors. The British Council will hand-out Study UK branded information packs and your marketing items can be included in these.

Draft Programme (attached)

Target Audience:

The event provide the opportunity to network with over 50 counsellors present.

Event fee:

GBP 500 is intended to cover the cost of the event but more importantly to provide you with RoI in terms of being able to establish and build relationships with school counsellors.

Please send your expression of interest to and CC latest by 1 February 2019.

Please send your expression of interest by email to at the latest on February 1th, 2019 (first come first serve)

On your email subject, please write: “School Counselor Seminar Indonesia”

If you have any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact:
Audrie Sanova (Education Services Manager – IES Indonesia) at
Siti Fatimah (Education Services Officer – IES Indonesia) at