Web showcasing:

Here’s an opportunity for you to market your upcoming visits courses and create the brand awareness about your institution in India. A teaser of 150 words on the home page of www.educationuk-in.org will link to the article page of about 300 words with a picture. The article page would allow you to showcase the offer you want to highlight.
Cost: £450 for 2 weeks and £150 for each week post the initial 2 weeks

Email shots:

Communicating directly to a student is another medium of promotion. This service includes emails shots that are sent to student databases with an option to further filtered on basis of subject of study and level of education and even gender if wanted.
Cost: £250 for initial1000 emailers and an additional £100 for every additional1000 emailers.
This mode of promotion can be further extended by connecting to institutions either schools or colleges directly via mail shots with a focus on specific subjects and level of study, undergraduate or postgraduate.
Cost: the charges start with £200 for sending emailers to 50 contacts. The cost will vary depending on the number on our database

Facebook campaign: Promote your institution for free!
If you sign up for web showcasing and email shots, we will offer you, complimentary promotion via a free facebook posting to promote your institution and courses.

Distribution of leaflets: Promote your courses or visits!!

British Council is offering UK institutions a facility to market their institutions and its various offers via the distribution of leaflets across its office network. This cost effective opportunity will help UK institutions advertise themselves to the audiences that walk-in to the British Council offices. These audiences could be customers enquiring for education, examinations, library services or an event.

The British Council offices across the cities of Delhi, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai, and Bangalore attract a monthly footfall as mentioned below

  • Chennai: 4700
  • Delhi: 4300
  • Bangalore: 3600
  • Pune: 2800
  • Kolkata: 3000

Cost: £100 for each city for period of a month. £450 as a package for all cities for a month

For further information/queries, please write to Ms Shruti Khanna