A local science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) foundation in Hong Kong is looking for a UK university advisory to join their STEM committee.

The STEM foundation is seeking for:
- one university advisory (engineering background is a must) to join a local STEM committee in sharing best practices and provide market intelligence on the UK’s STEM scene.

They are also seeking for partnership opportunities with a UK University in hosting a robotics competition for primary and secondary students aged 9 – 18 years old from around the world.

The university should:
- provide a competition venue (multipurpose halls, gymnasiums) to host a 3 day robotics competition to hold a capacity of approximately 400 persons
- appoint 2 judges for the competition:
- the judge must be a professor or lecturer from the university with a preferred
background in robotics, otherwise engineering background is also acceptable
- provide at least 10 university student ambassadors to assist with logistical support such as university guides and on ground support during the competition
- Provide 5 days of accommodation for 300 participants (optional)

Draft rundown of the 3 day programme:
- day 1: arrival, setting up robots and practice before competition
- day 2: opening Ceremony and commencement of competition
- day 3: championship, awards ceremony and closing ceremony

Tentative date: July or December 2023
Deadline for proposals: 31 Jan 2023

All submissions will be reviewed and you will be notified of any potential next steps. You can only express your interest if you are a UK registered company.
For details, please refer to the attached document.

Please contact Sophia Ip at sophia.ip@fcdowebmail.fcdo.gov.uk for details.