Raise your institution’s profile in Malaysia and Brunei by placing your advertisement in the Education UK Newsletters for publication in January/February 2015.

With each full-page advertisement, a complimentary advertorial space with maximum 500 words is included. We are also offering a 5 per cent discount if you sign up for both Malaysia and Brunei’s newsletters. Furthermore, online copies will be made available from the British Council and Education UK Malaysia web sites which have an online reach of approximately 80,000 per month.

Confirm your participation by completing the attached application form by 15 November 2014 and return it to Cecile Dasal, Education Promotion Officer, Fax +673 223 4315 or email cecile.dasal@britishcouncil.org.my and copy June Lo, Fax +604 263 3262 or email june.lo@britishcouncil.org.my