In time for the British Council's annual Education UK Exhibition on 15 February 2014, the British Council and UKTI will organise a conference and business matching event on 14 February, capitalising on the GREAT campaign. The joint event will enable all participating UK institutions to participate in the networking event, providing them the opportunity to find local business partners (schools and/or training providers, as well as local representatives) and clients.     

The main theme for the conference is professional development and continuing education to highlight the postgraduate programmes, training courses and professional qualifications offered by UK schools and internationally accredited organisations.

In addition to the UK higher education institutions that will be participating at the British Council’s Education UK Exhibition, UKTI will encourage the participation of approximately ten corporate training providers, qualification/accreditation organisations, education consultants, as well as providers of e-learning/distant learning systems and packages, to achieve a more comprehensive campaign about the UK's strengths in education.

UK participating higher education institutions and education companies will have a chance to briefly present their organisations and offerings in a plenary session. On the other hand, a Philippine government education specialist will speak on the local education requirements and opportunities. After the plenary, there will be a networking event and one-on-one sessions between the UK participants and the interested local institutions, professional bodies as well as corporate and government clients/partners to facilitate linkages.

Exhibitors at the Education UK Exhibition Philippines will be able to participate in the lunch and business matching event on 14 February. British Council has arranged for this at no extra charge to exhibitors. Each exhibitor will be provided a table to entertain queries from potential partners. Invitees will include agents, university presidents, deans or heads of linkages, government and corporate partners as well as representatives of professional organisations.

UKTI has allotted limited slots for UK higher education institutions to present to the audience in the morning during the Education Showcase for a minimal fee. For queries and expression of interest, please contact Mike Cabigon.