The Texas Association for College Admission Counselling is now accepting educational session proposal for their 36th Annual Conference in Marble Falls, TX. Conference sessions should adhere to the theme for this conference: Trailblazing Through Transition.
Conference details:
Texas ACAC Regional Conference 2016
3 – 5 April 2016
Horseshoe Bay Resort, Marble Falls
101 Horseshoe Bay Blvd, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
More info:
Possible conference sessions for the British Council are but not limited to the following:
- Transatlantic Education: From High School in the US to College in the UK - This session will cover the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), UK academic culture, student life and how to best advise American students who may be a GREAT fit for the UK. This session will include two UK university speakers, the British Council and an American counsellor.
- The Upside of Deciding - This session will look at how students can benefit from knowing what course they want to study during their time in university. This session will include the British Council, a UK university and a US university.
- Best practices in preparing students for an international education - This session will look at best practices in helping students navigate international higher education opportunities and how to select the best fit for them.
TACAC is one of 23 state and regional affiliates of the National Association for College Admission Counselling (NACAC). TACAC supports NACAC's mission to support and advance the work of counseling and enrolment professionals as they help all students realize their full educational potential, with particular emphasis on the transition to postsecondary education.
If you will be attending the conference and want to propose a joint session, please email