The UK’s Architects Registration Board (ARB) and the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) have signed a historic memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will allow for the mutual recognition of relevant architectural qualifications, making it easier for eligible individuals to have their qualifications recognised in both the UK and Hong Kong. It allows individuals to access further study and apply to join the Register in both jurisdictions.

Key elements of the agreement include:

  • Eligible individuals who hold ARB-accredited Part 1 and Part 2 qualifications (or Academic and Practice Qualifications) will benefit from direct recognition of their qualifications in Hong Kong. UK graduates with a Part 1 or Academic Qualification will need only to complete an HKIA accredited master’s level qualification and HKIA/ARBHK Professional Assessment (PA) to be eligible to join the Hong Kong Register, while those with both a Part 1 and Part 2 (or Academic and Practice Qualifications) will need only to complete the PA.
  • Eligible individuals who hold HKIA-accredited degree and master’s degree level qualifications will benefit from direct recognition of their qualifications in the UK. Hong Kong graduates with both a HKIA-accredited degree and master’s level degree will need only to complete an ARB-accredited Part 3 or Practice Qualification to be eligible to join the UK Register, while those with a degree level qualification will only need to complete a Part 2 and Part 3 (or Academic and Practice Qualifications).
  • The Architects Registration Board Hong Kong (ARBHK) will also accept the relevant ARB-accredited Part 1 and Part 2 (or Academic and Practice) qualifications for the purpose of establishing eligibility for the PA to pave the way of registration in Hong Kong.

Eligible individuals will be able to benefit from the agreement from Monday, 2 September onwards.

  • More information for Hong Kong architects and students is available on HKIA’s website:
  • More information for UK architects and students is available on ARB’s website:


What this means for the UK sector:

The new MoU established between the UK and Hong Kong has streamlined the pathway for UK architectural graduates seeking licensure in Hong Kong. This agreement eliminates the need for a special individual assessment, allowing graduates from recognised UK architecture programs to sit directly for the HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment. The MoU not only reduces the barriers but also enhances the competitiveness of UK architecture courses against programmes from other unlisted countries.