Having more foreign students and sending more Korean students overseas will not be enough for local universities to achieve their dream of cultivating global talent.
Another effort they are making is spreading global citizenship education, which has been promoted by the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) under the auspices of UNESCO.
Global citizenship education refers to the education that aims to equip students of all ages with knowledge, skills and universal values such as world peace, human rights and environmental sustainability, which are key elements for becoming global citizens.
The APCEIU has been focusing on global citizenship education mainly to elementary and secondary schools. This year, however, the organization initiated a project to expand education to university level with support from the Ministry of Education.
Nine universities nationwide, including Seoul National, Yonsei, Korea and Hanshin are now providing their students with lectures about global citizenship. The ministry provided 80 million won ($68,000) to those universities.
Source : http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/12/181_219219.html
Commentary by Jeonghwa Hong, Education Manager(Jeonghwa.hong@britishcouncil.or.kr)
Some other universities in Korea would be interested in the provision of the global citizenship education for their students, so they could try to propose a better programme for the education in order to get fund from the Ministry of Education(MoE), even if its amount is not big.
If your Korean partner university is not one of the nine funded by MoE, but still interested, you might be able to seek an opportunity of your participation in designing a course curriculum or delivery for the global citizen education from your extensive experience and expertise.