International English proficiency tests are increasingly being used as one of the criteria for admission into 103 Vietnamese universities, with the most popular being IELTS, SAT and TOEFL. Vietnamese high school graduates with an IELTS score of at least 4.5 may gain additional admission points for entry into certain programmes at more than 100 Vietnamese universities.

What does this mean for the UK?

Universities are increasingly using international English proficiency tests for university admission, in a bid to attract students who can afford to enrol into high tuition fee programmes and/or internationally-accredited programmes. The increase in EMI (English as Medium of Instruction) programmes at Vietnamese universities could impact StudyUK student numbers as more students opt to enrol in TNE or EMI courses at home. At the same time, this could attract more students who are in their second or third year to the UK (those who would have otherwise enrolled in a local degree programme) as well as open up to more opportunities for UK TNE providers either on joint training or articulation in Viet Nam.

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