Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) had published the statistical first release for student enrolments and qualifications, which includes some top line figures in 2012/13 on 16 January 2014. 

We extracted the table for top ten non-EU countries of domicile in 2012/13 for student enrolments on HE courses here for your quick reference.

Country of Domicile2011/122012/13Percentage change
United States1633516235-1%
Hong Kong113351306515%
Saudi Arabia98609440-4%
All other countries1032051031000%

*In this table 0,1, 2 are rounded to 0. All other numbers are rounded up or down to the nearest multiple of 5.

Other top-line data can be viewed on the HESA website

Education Intelligence is currently coordinating with HESA to have a more detailed dataset concerning international student enrolments prepared. We will definitely strive to complete the update of the Higher Education Student Data tool as soon as possible and we estimate that it will be ready in around middle of February. Institutions which currently possess a valid Education Intelligence annual subscription will be able to access the latest data.

As soon as the update is completed, we will inform users again through communication channels on SIEM website. For institutions which have not subscribed yet, details about the new subscription offers in 2014/15 will also be announced through the SIEM website and emails in the beginning of February.

Meanwhile please contact ei.support@britishcouncil.org.hk if you have any queries on subscription offers and Higher Education Student Data tool.