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  • New report - International STEM students: focusing on skills for the future

New report - International STEM students: focusing on skills for the future

Economic progress is enhanced by innovation and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills have contributed to vast advances in productivity. International students are critical to STEM programmes in the UK, as well as the US, Canada and Australia, and in a special new report, Education Intelligence examines the factors affecting international students' decision making in their pursuit of STEM-related education, course selection and the perceptions associated with specific study destinations.

The report is now available at our Education Intelligence online store for purchase.

For those institutions which have already subscribed for 2015-16, you can download the reports using your subscription quota without any additional fee. Information on the latest subscription offers available in 2015-2016 can be found here.

If you have any problems when purchasing the reports, please contact us at EI.support@britishcouncil.org.hk.