Education Futures Mini Conference series: Graduate Employability

From 9 June to 30 June the British Council held the third of the Education Futures Mini Conference series:  Graduate Employability

All sessions are now available to view through the below links:

The first two sessions of the series were designed for graduates and recent alumni. Please do share amongst your upcoming graduates and alumni networks. 

9 June - Getting into the world of work: How to make the most of the support available to you in the UK -

16 June – Preparing for work: What skills and experience are employers looking for, and how should you present yourself in your application? -  

30 June - Employability in the post Covid-19 environment: supporting the class of 2020 -

Please find attached below a summary report of the series.

For information on upcoming sessions of our Education Futures Mini Conference series, please click here.

If you have any questions about the Education Futures Mini Conference series, please contact: Fraser Deas, Head of Education Services China,