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  • Would you like to present at the UKCISA Annual Conference at the University of Exeter 28-30 June 2017?

Would you like to present at the UKCISA Annual Conference at the University of Exeter 28-30 June 2017?

Please come and share your experience and ideas with the sector.
We are interested in a range of sessions covering any topic related to international students.
• 40 minute “showcase” sessions which allow for a presentation on a project or example of good practice, followed by a short question and answer session. These should normally have only one presenter
• 1 hour / 1 hour 15 minute sessions allowing for 2-3 presenters, perhaps offering contrasting perspectives, or for one or more presenters to offer a more interactive, in-depth session
• 3 hour workshops – these will normally be highly interactive, in-depth explorations of a particular topic.
Speakers will be eligible for a discounted registration fee for attending the conference.

Action Required

Deadline for submissions: 16 January 2016

For further details and to submit online go to the conference page.

If you have an idea you would like to discuss with UKCISA before submitting a proposal, please e-mail Julie Allen, Director of Policy and Services at dps@ukcisa.org.uk