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Work abroad opportunities with the English Language Assistants programme

Experience another culture, develop transferable skills and get paid. British Council English Language Assistants help students overseas to improve their English. With 12 to 20 teaching hours per week, there is plenty of time left for participants to improve their language skills, explore and travel. From the cosmopolitan cities of Spain, to the bright lights of China – there’s somewhere for everyone.

The programme is open to students studying any subject but students who are studying combined subject degrees or have A levels in modern languages may have a particular interest in taking part. We have Language Assistant Ambassadors (former participants) placed in Universities across the UK who can give you more information or write articles for a student newsletter.

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Action Required

Email the team at languageassistants.uk@britishcouncil.org to find out who your Ambassador is.

Find out more about the programme at: https://www.britishcouncil.org/language-assistants/become

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