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Wider Europe offers new digital packages for student recruitment and partnership increase in Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey and Uzbekistan

IES Wider Europe is delighted to present new digital promotion opportunities to UK educational institutions aiming to increase student recruitment and partnerships is Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey and Uzbekistan.

Wider Europe team in all countries has access to the channels that your prospective students use, a broad experience in digital promotion and a deep understanding of customers' needs. We will provide your institution with an opportunity to be promoted via a broad number of channels and targeted databases of students, parents and partners with a total reach of over 585K.

Ten digital packages (please refer to the attached document) are available that consist of elements to complement each other for higher impact and maximum efficiency. They will provide your institution with a range of exclusive opportunities:
- to develop virtual links via engaging activities
- to build new partnerships with agents and schools
- to participate in paid promotion via social media with a target on your audience
- to discuss TNE collaboration with local universities
- to organise virtual meetings and live streams with students and parents
- to target English teachers for ELT promotion
- to arrange publications in popular and trusted local online media

Wider Europe team would be also happy to arrange and quote for bespoke combinations according to your institutions' individual needs.

Participation fees for one package start from 700 GBP per country (+VAT).

A special discount of 25% is applied for the purchases of the same packages for two countries or two packages in one country.

For more details please see the attached document.

Action Required

For bespoke requests and other queries, please contact our account managers in the respective country:

WE Digital Packages_DMS offer_FINAL.pdf251.43 KB