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What’s happening in Oman? A scholarship and partnership perspective

UPDATE: please note that registration for this event has now closed.

Join us on 23 April to hear Zainab Al Barwani from the British Council Oman and Dr Said Al-Sulimani, the Academic Advisor & Student Service Advisor at the Cultural Attaché Office in London, provide an update on the Oman market, the various scholarship schemes available and opportunities for partnerships in Oman. During the session they will discuss the following questions:

• Why have Omani student numbers increased by 33% from 12/13 to 13/14, according to HESA?
• Why have the numbers of Omanis studying education almost doubled?
• Which organisations offer Omanis scholarship opportunities overseas and what are the selection criteria?
• How can your institution maximise the opportunities, both in terms of student recruitment and partnerships in Oman?

We look forward to seeing you there.


DATE: Thursday 23 April 2015
TIME: 12.30-15.30
12.30-13.30 Registration and buffet lunch
13.30-15.30 Session briefing: What’s happening in Oman? A scholarship and partnership perspective
VENUE: British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London, SW1A 2BN
TARGET AUDIENCE: representatives from UK institutions in HE and FE sectors who are interested in the Oman market

Action Required

Please register here for the event: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DC8837H