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Webinar for UK HEIs on market sentiment in India towards the UK in light of Covid-19 - organised in partnership with BUILA

Webinar date: 22 April 2020

Time: 11 am UKT

As many of you will be aware, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, India is currently under lockdown till 3 May 2020. Dates for final examinations are not yet announced and it is possible, though not confirmed that schools and colleges will open after what would have been the summer holidays. It is difficult to understand how students are feeling about studying abroad in the current and uncertain situation. Are they looking forward to pursuing studies abroad once things normalise? What expectations do students and agents in India have from UK HEIs? Understandably students are anxious about their immediate study abroad plans and it is important to maintain engagement and communication with them during this time.

We want to take this opportunity to see how we can support you in your engagement and recruitment efforts and would also like to hear from you on what steps you have taken to respond to international student recruitment post COVID-19.

During this webinar, organised in partnership with BUILA, the India International Education Services team will present;

  • Current local market sentiment
  • Questions and concerns raised by students, education agents and school counsellors in the region
  • Recommendations in terms of content and tonality of UK university communication in the region

The webinar will take place on 22 April at 11 am UKT and will feature a Q&A function throughout the presentations.

We trust that this webinar will be insightful in informing your communication and engagement strategy in India in the context of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Action Required

Please register HERE. 

Please email Deepika Baruah at deepika.baruah@in.britishcouncil.org if you have any questions.