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  • Webinar series for UK HEIs on the Indian higher education market. Topics include the New Education Policy, Employability, TNE and Digital Marketing.

Webinar series for UK HEIs on the Indian higher education market. Topics include the New Education Policy, Employability, TNE and Digital Marketing.

International Education Services in India is organising a webinar series which will highlight the higher education landscape and opportunities in India. The webinars will equip UK HEIs with the latest policy-level developments in the HE sector in India as well as provide an understanding of the dynamic higher education environment. UK HEIs can acquire key market knowledge which will help inform your strategy for India.

The series will have themes which will focus on changing government reforms, need for internationalisation, increase and function of private institutions and the need for institutional engagement.

The seminars will be delivered by industry experts and British Council staff over a web-based platform.

It will be a 45 minutes presentation followed by Q&A.




Date and time (UK time)

Digital Marketing in India

  • Current Trends
  • Scope of digital campaigns
  • ROI for UK institutions
  • British Council offer

Thursday 22 August 2019

1100 to 1200 Hrs

New Education Policy

  • What are the key takeaways for HE and skills sector
  • What could be the implications in country?
  • How would it impact / benefit UK institutions?
  • Long term strategic goals


Thursday 19 September 2019

1100 to 1200 Hrs

Transnational Education in India

  • Current trends
  • Potential in India
  • What are the current working models
  • Benefit UK institutions


Thursday 17 October 2019

1100 to 1200 Hrs

Employability and Employment

  • Graduate employability skills
  • What employers think about foreign-educated graduates
  • How can British Council work with UK institutions?
  • Long-term benefits for UK institutions and Indian corporate

Thursday 14 November 2019

1100 to 1200 Hrs

Participation fee is £350 +VAT for each institution for a package of all four sessions. Maximum of two participants per institution may attend.

For each individual session, the price is £100 + VAT per institution for a maximum of two participants.


For any clarification please write to Sunit Koli


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