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Webinar: The future of higher education and the potential Indian states

SIEM India is organising webinars on the Indian market which will help UK institutions understand the opportunities in higher education in Indian states.

The Indian education market is constantly changing and the UK is facing competition from other countries, including India's own developing education sector. From the UK policy makers’ perspective too, 2015 will be a year of change with the upcoming elections in the UK and on the other hand a prospective Indian student is already looking for an International education with a definitive return on investment.

In spite of these challenges, India remains a very strong market demographically. More than 50% of India’s population is under the age of 25. By 2020, India will have one of the youngest populations in the world, with an average age of 29 years.
Financially too, India has a huge growth potential as the Indian middle class is expected to grow making India the world’s third largest economy by 2020.

Taking advantage of India’s potential and to ensure the UK maintains and increases its importance as a global research and innovation hub , UK higher education institutions need to be strongly positioned in India. Supporting this strategy , the British Council has recently concluded two studies in order to 'Understand the changes and potential in the Indian Higher Education system' along with recommendations in areas for collaborations in India. The other study highlights the five states of India where we have explored international collaboration opportunities.

Join our webinar:

SIEM India is organising a webinar giving an opportunity to the UK sector to understand the findings of these two studies in order to assist the sector to strategise and prepare the market plans accordingly in India.
SIEM, India team will help the UK sector to gain the below information from these webinars:

- A better understanding of the changing India
- Its education environment through its services.
- These webinars will help the sector understand the changing government reforms
- Need for internationalisation
- Increase in private institutions and the need for institutional engagement.

Webinar on 'Understanding India': The future of higher education and opportunities for international cooperation
Date: 2 March 2015
Time: 10.00 to 11.00 am (UK time)

Webinar on 'The Indian States': Opportunities for International Higher Education Collaborations
Date: 3 March 2015
Time: 10.00 am to 11.00 am (UK time)

Key highlights and expected takeaways from each session:

A. 'Understanding India':
- India’s education system, is one of the world’s largest which has been reflected on various academic papers, this webinar that is an Inference of the report does not set out to significantly change the way the Indian system is seen. It is about change and the future models of international collaboration.
- The webinar will extrapolate the key highlights of the report that includes: the supply-demand gap in terms of number of youth in India and the gap in terms of the low quality of teaching and learning.
- The webinar will highlight the summary of this report, the scope and opportunity for the UK higher education sector to engage with India Institutions and the future models of international collaboration.

B. 'The Indian States'
The study was very recently concluded i.e. January 2015 highlighting the dynamism, fresh policies, states receiving more autonomy and emergence of international collaboration with new partners in the state and private sectors.
-The report states that with the expansion of the higher education sector and emergence of private institutions there will be many significant opportunities for partnerships and collaborations.
- Based on a prioritisation framework that looked at the scale, maturity, quality of the higher education system, political climate and openness to collaborate, five states have been identified to understand potential international partnership opportunities through this report.
This is will an opportunity for the UK HEI's to develop strategies to enter into these market and SIEM India team will support these initiatives of the UK sector by suggesting marketing initiatives.

Sessions will be delivered by British Council staff involved in this market study from the inception

- The session on Understanding India will be delivered by Lynne Heslop, with over twenty years’ experience in international education. She is now Senior Education Adviser at the British Council India.
- The session on Indian States will be delivered by Manjula Rao , with over twenty five years of experience in the education sector. She is now the Assistant Director of Internationalising Higher Education Unit in India

Participation fee is £100+VAT for each participant
If you sign up for both the sessions, a 10% discount will be applicable

Action Required:
If you are interested in joining this webinar, please send email at Shruti.khanna@in.britishcoucil.org and Maria.monteiro@in.britishcouncil.org by 23 February 2015. Please copy your email to siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org
We will email the Joining instructions, technical requirements, dialling instructions, registration link, invoice and payment instructions to you after participation is confirmed.

Action Required

If you are interested in joining this webinar, please send email at Shruti.khanna@in.britishcouncil.org and Maria.monteiro@in.britishcouncil.org by 23 February 2015. Please copy your email to siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org
We will email the Joining instructions, technical requirements, dialling instructions, registration link, invoice and payment instructions to you after your participation is confirmed.