Webinar: EU student Brexit sentiment research results

Join the British Council's EU region team to discuss the results of our two research pieces conducted this year into EU student sentiment around Brexit.

Date: Tuesday 12 May
Time: 12:00-13:00 BST
Platform: Zoom

We'll discuss the findings of:

1) Considerers survey: Conducted in France, Germany, Greece, Poland and Spain by means of detailled questionnaires, asking students whether, why and where they are considering study abroad. The research explored alternative options such as TNE and EMI; asked detailed questions about the 'Brexit effect' and its impact on study plans; and analysed how universities can best reach students on the channels they use.

2) A/B digital messaging testing: Conducted across France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain, exploring the topics that attract students on both social media and search, and whether rational or emotive messaging is a more powerful tool for student conversion. 

The webinar will be presented by members of the EU regional team who led on the research projects:

  • Almut Caspary, Higher Education Lead, EU Region
  • Ellie Buchdahl, Senior Communications Manager, EU Region

We'll also be joined by colleagues from countries explored in the research, and there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion during the second half of the session.

The webinar is free of charge, and open to members of UK higher education institutions.

Get a taster of the research in this six-minute teaser video:


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How to sign up

Click on this link to sign up: https://BritishCouncil.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlc-CqpjojG9Co5GB5NHaDVaRoa5O38T9R  

You will then receive a personalised invitation link. Please note that the link is personal to you, so please don't share it with anyone else... it won't work! 

If you have any problems signing up, please contact Ellie Buchdahl (ellie.buchdahl@britishcouncil.org).